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5 Easy Ways To Optimize Your Social Media Marketing In 2018
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5 Easy Ways To Optimize Your Social Media Marketing In 2018

November 7, 2018

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If you're going to use social media marketing effectively, then you better start optimizing your social media production and output.

Volume and quality is the name of the social media marketing game. If you can't deliver this in your social strategy, then you'll be behind the eightball, and your social media marketing won't be nearly as effective as it could be.

If you'd like to see success in your next campaign then the secret is optimization. Here are a few ways you can optimize your social media marketing right now.

1. Videos

Video content is one of the most loved and effective types of content out there right now.

Consumers and top marketers are seeing that videos are taking over social media. See for yourself: go to your feed and you'll see videos--videos everywhere!

51 percent of marketers report that their audiences respond positively to video content above any other type of content.

If you'd like to improve the reach and engagement of social media marketing, then start recording videos.

Don't be fooled--these don't have to be resource-intensive productions. They can be one minute short clips that discuss trends, products, company employees you name it.

For example, you can make it DIY if you don't have the video recording resources and use your phone. Edit them with software like iMovie on your phone--and voila! Repurpose the video content on multiple social networks.

It's really easy to optimize your content with video. By using a social network like Instagram, you can create minute-long videos that share your content in your client's feed, their Stories, or on the IGTV channel.

If you're thinking of writing a blog post for your client's next marketing campaign, try working video into the strategy, or try replacing it altogether with video. It will probably take half the amount of time and resources.

Compare your results to see how effective it is.

2. Stories

Snapchat might have started the Stories trend, but it didn't end there. Snapchat, made it easy for people to share and watch quick, fun videos, but other social networks have done it better.

Now you can get Stories through Facebook and Instagram. These networks' Stories features have different advantages and disadvantages, so be careful of which social network you choose to use.

Stories last for 24 hours and are typically fifteen to twenty seconds long. Because they are so quick, you can choose to budget as much time and energy on your Stories as you like. They are not resource-intensive by nature, so you can easily create content that reaches a wide audience in a jiffy and move on to the next project.

One of the cool elements of these Stories features is that they show you who watched your Stories, along with various other analytics (depending on the platform you're using). This gives you a clearer idea of who your audience is and how effective your content is when it comes to engaging them or getting them to click on CTAs.

3. Live Streaming

One of the best ways to really garner an audience and optimize your social media marketing output is through live broadcasts.

There are so many bonuses that come with live streaming content. With live streaming you're able to:

  1. Have an actual conversation your brand's followers
  2. Repurpose your content
  3. Show up at the top of your audience's feed
  4. Garner more engagement and views over time
  5. Get real insights into your audience to improve your marketing strategy

The biggest bonus that you get with live streaming is that several social media algorithms favour those who go live on a regular basis.

Despite these advantages, you can't just go live because you feel like it. your audience doesn't want to sit there and stare at you.

Be purposeful with the time you have and go in with a goal such as:

  • Sharing new insights/information
  • Talking about valuable content
  • Giving VIP access

Be prepared by going in with notes: gather your talking points so that you'll know the gist of what you really want to say.

Start with the intention to learn from your broadcast experience: glean information and insights from the audience's engagement and viewing analytics.

4. Scheduled Posts

One of the reasons why many people don't gain any traction on social media is because they don't post on a regular basis. You can easily optimize your engagement by increasing your post frequency and being strategic with you post publishing time.

When you create and plan the content in advance, you can place it in a social media scheduling software and choose the best times to post your content based on your audience's highest engagement rates.

This cuts your social media marketing workflow down in half. It also helps you boost engagement which can help improve your follower count and visibility.

5. Analyze Analytics And Make Decisions

Paying attention to the numbers is one of the best ways to optimize your marketing efforts. Being on the ball with your analytics can help you make snap decisions about what content works and what content your audience likes.

Look at the posts that tend to get the most engagement (likes, comments, shares), and go a step further by breaking the posts down by engagement type.

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My name is Matt Penrod and I love all things business related. My family, marketing and my dog are probably my favourite things at any given moment.

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HeyOrca helps you manage client relations, get content approvals faster than ever, and manage multiple social calendars at once. We help you grow your agency and save time.

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