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Fostering Agency Collaboration
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Fostering Agency Collaboration

April 6, 2016

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[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.80" background_layout="light" border_style="solid" module_class="blog-font" module_alignment="left"]Did you know that 97% of employees and executives believe that a lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome of a task or project? In today's busy agency world, collaborating within your agency couldn't play a more vital role. Between development, ongoing projects, and managing clients, collaborating with your team is an easy way to organize your workflow and ensure that everyone is on the same page. Going from a silo workflow to fostering agency collaboration may seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be!

Why Collaborate?

Maybe the question should be, "Why NOT collaborate?"Constant communication! This is the main problem that collaboration solves. Filtering information through different departments and team members successfully ensures that everyone is on the same page, and everyone has a better understanding of how their job contributes to the team's ultimate goal. Effective communication leads to more productivity, and team members will feel confident bringing their concerns or opinions to a safe and transparent work environment. Additionally, utilizing collaborative tools ensures a productive and seamless workflow, while multiple team members contribute simultaneously.[jumbotron background="#f6f6f6" color="#000"]

Did you know?

49% of millennials support using social tools to collaborate with their team


Tools and Apps to Incorporate Collaboration into your current workflow

1. Slack

Slack : Consider it the professional MSN (RIP). Slack is a great way to stay in contact with your team - from private messages to general channels. This messaging app also supports video, GIF, and video calling. You can also upload and share documents with your team! Slack is the ultimate alternative to emails or leaving stickies around the office when trying to get in contact with each other.[embed][/embed]

2. Google Apps

EverythingGoogle: Google is one of the best tools out there to collaborate in real-time with multiple users. Google Drive allows you to share documents and files with others, while Google Docs allows different users to edit and create content on the same document. You can also use Google Hangouts, a platform for conversations that supports photos, emojis and video chats.[embed][/embed]


HeyOrca: The ultimate sandbox for social media planning and approvals, HeyOrca uses a shareable link to include client/stakeholders in the process of content creation. There are features to fit anyone's workflow, regardless of how involved each of your stakeholders prefers to be.[embed][/embed]

But fostering agency collaboration doesn't have to stop there!
fostering agency collaboration

Collaborating outside of your team with other agencies or clients is a great option when it comes to social content. Take guest blogging or podcasts for example, by involving others into your social content you can create more valuable content, and add credibility that helps you become a thought leader. Featuring different contributors, ideas, and material will keep your audience interested and engaged.Working alongside your team members can spark creativity and innovation. Even if it's just an interactive team meeting or inviting one of your colleagues to write a short article that you can share - collaboration promotes growth both as an individual, and as an organization.

Looking for more information on collaboration?

Discover How to Create a Collaborative Workflow

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HeyOrca is a social media planner built for social media agencies. Our product centralizes content approval and client management in one place.

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"In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore defines a market as a group of individuals who can reference each other. Put another way, for every market there is a social media community waiting to be born."


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