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Twitter Fails - 6 Tweets That Went Viral the Wrong Way
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Twitter Fails - 6 Tweets That Went Viral the Wrong Way

March 30, 2016
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Sometimes something is so bad, so cringe-worthy, that as much as you want to look away you just can't. All the while, you're hoping that whatever train-wreck you're watching never happens to you. Brands are no different - everyone makes mistakes. When mistakes occur on a mass scale, however, it isn't as simple as saying sorry or owning up to your mistake. With brands encouraging consumer engagement and communication, Twitter can become a mine-field of social media mishaps waiting to blow up. Here are a few of our favourite Twitter fails!

1) DiGiorno Pizza - #WhyIStayed

In the fall of 2014, NFL player Ray Rice faced suspension after beating his wife earlier that same year. The hashtag #WhyIStayed became a way for women to open up about their experiences living with, and overcoming domestic abuse. In a dodgy attempt to stay trendy and relevant, the pizza giant decided to put their own twist on the popular hashtag.

DiGiorno #whyistayed

2) Delta Airlines - Giraffes in Ghana

Though the scoreboard may have said different, the real loser of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil was Delta Airlines. Knowing the importance of staying trendy and up to date on social platforms, the airline was more than happy to comment on ongoing games and scores. During one game, USA vs. Ghana, Delta Airlines sent a tweet featuring the Statue of Liberty (hope, prosperity, freedom) to represent America, and a giraffe to represent Ghana.

Plot twist - there aren't any giraffes in Ghana. #geography

Twitter Fails

3) NYPD - #myNYPD

Police are alway being criticized for unnecessary physical force, and the New York Police Department is no exception. In hopes of creating a more positive attitude toward to force, the @NYPDnews Twitter page asked followers to tweet using the hashtag #myNYPD to share uplifting civilian stories. However, people instead used the trend to bring attention the police brutality during the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Expecting this:

Twitter Fails

But getting this:

Twitter Fails

4) Clorox - Bleach Emoji

In April 2015, Apple launched a brand new selection of emojis. Wanting to get in on the fun, Clorox obviously had to weigh in on the event via social. Their questioning of where the bleach emoji was, however, wasn't interpreted very well.

clorox emoji

Among the new emojis released were emoticons of different race and colour - AMAZING, right?

Not so great if you're asking where the bleach is, though...

clorox 2

5) IHOP - Pancake mishap

This doesn't need any explaining.

Do you ever confuse pancakes with breasts?


Yeah, me neither.

Twitter Fails

6) Total Beauty - Oprah vs. Whoopi

The most recent Twitter fail, and possibly one of the most entertaining, happened during the Oscars just last month when the company True Beauty mistakenly complemented, who they thought was Oprah, on some surprising tattoos!


Will the real Oprah Winfrey please stand up?

Twitter Fails

It wasn't until after the tweet had gone viral when the beauty company realized that they had mistaken Whoopi Goldberg as the television personality. True Beauty tried to clean up the 'snafu' by apologizing and offering to donate $10,000 to any charitable organization of Whoopi and Oprah's choice.

Nice, but still pretty awkward.

Twitter Fails

At the end of the day, the majority of Twitter fiascos die down and lose steam as fast as they spark controversy. But these social media mishaps are our chance to learn that A) You should probably research whatever topic/person you plan on posting about, B) Maybe consider your hashtags in more than the one context you're thinking of, and C) That last minute, trendy Tweet, should be given some more thought and consideration before going live.

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