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Why You Need To Use Quizzes in Your Next Social Campaign
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Why You Need To Use Quizzes in Your Next Social Campaign

January 11, 2019

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[et_pb_section bb_built="1" next_background_color="#000000"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.106" background_layout="light"]Does your client need your agency's help to generate marketing qualified leads through social? If your answer is yes, then you should try experimenting with quizzes.Your audience is always looking for the next exciting piece of content to experience and share with their network. Here's why and how you can use quizzes to boost your clients' social media marketing strategy.

Why You Need to Try Quizzes

Quizzes are highly engaging content that help introduce your clients' brand, products, and services to new people in a creative, engaging, and memorable way.Quizzes can drive users from your clients' social media feeds, website, or online store. They can also help grow your audience's brand affinity through a personal and fun content experience.You can use them to promote a new product or event, or gain market insights through personality or comparison quizzes. They will help you step outside the boundaries of traditional or predictable marketing strategies.Quizzes can help grow your brand virally within your users' network. People love sharing quizzes with their friends and family, especially when the quiz has a playful, funny, or culturally relevant outcome.

How to Use Quizzes for Your Next Social Campaign

1. Try Different Quiz Types

You can create so many different types of quizzes: trivia, personality, comparison, questionnaire the possibilities are endless.We recommend setting a question restriction between 5 to 15 questions. The type of quiz you choose should relate to the goals you have for that marketing campaign.For example, consider the target demographic and what their interests might be. For example, you can create a great brand affinity by asking the right audience which Disney princess they are and matching your clients products to the outcomes.Make sure that your quizzes match your demographic, have a relevant intention, and connect your client's product to the quiz topic. Get creative!

2. Focus on User Engagement

All marketing efforts rely on user engagement and quizzes are no different. Find a way to create a socially relevant quiz type that will intrigue your audience and make them want to participate.The best way to do this is by learning more about your audience, the types of content they like to consume, the content that you've produced in the past that have yielded the highest results.Don't create a quiz based on an idea that you think is engaging, but what they would think is engaging.Your objective should be to get them to participate and share your quiz. The more people participate, them more leads you can get for your client.

3. Collect Leads

You should incorporate a lead form in your quiz to help your clients generate leads through the success and virality of their quiz. But, in order to do this you need to give your audience a reason to submit their information during or after the quiz, and promise something of value after submitting their information.For example, offer them the answer to the quiz via email, the best products that compliments their answer, or updates to other fun quizzes via a newsletter.Using quizzes is an engaging form of content marketing, but they are not nearly as effective without a lead capture flow.

4. Strategize for Quality Leads

Getting quality of leads out of quiz content is one of your next campaign secret weapons. Why? Because you can actually use quizzes to gain insights and glean information off of your audience that you can use as market and product research.For example, personality quizzes can help you get a look into your target audience and get to know them up close. You will be able to learn details about their personalities that will help you improve your marketing efforts and sales funnel. You can use any type of quiz to help you learn more about your audience and figure out how to target the best leads using the right information.


Quizzes are one of the best ways to revitalize your social media marketing campaign. By incorporating quizzes in your campaign, you'll be able to add more teeth to your lead generation strategies on your social feeds. You'll also be able to create fun content that your audience will enjoy interacting with. It's even possible that your quizzes go viral, and you get your clients' brand on the social map.Quizzes can be made by your in-house team using online platforms. It's worth a try to see how well quizzes can generate leads and engagement for your clients' audience.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.106" background_layout="light"]


Mark Gill is a writer and marketing expert. He specializes in interactive content and spends most of his time online looking out for new things and implementing the best possible solutions for his work. He constantly explores trends in content marketing and uses them to increase engagement and ensure success. He has always strived for perfection and is surely on the path to achieve it.

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