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HeyOrca's Roles & Permissions
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HeyOrca's Roles & Permissions

February 4, 2016

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Marketing Teams Are Multifaceted

HeyOrca - Roles & Permissions

We understand that within a marketing team, there are a number of different skill sets that play a part in the creative process.That's why we currently support 3 roles & permissions in HeyOrca with varying permissions:

HeyOrca - Roles & Permissions 2

The Admin:

The Admin has complete access to everything within a given team. They can create, view, edit, approve, schedule, publish, and comment on all content. As an Admin, you are the only team member who can edit team settings - this involves adding and removing team members, as well as changing their roles.

The Copywriter:

The Copywriter has the ability to create, view, and edit all content. Unlike the Admin, a Copywriter cannot edit team settings and is unable to approve, schedule, or publish content without the approval of others.

The Stakeholder:

This role exists for you to be able to add any external stakeholder to your various teams in HeyOrca (without them requiring any login information). Stakeholders can only view content that is specifically shared with them, and can approve, reject, or leave comments on that content.For more details on the use of this role and how to seamlessly involve external stakeholders in your workflow, check out this article:Involving Stakeholders in the Creative & Approval Process Made Easy.

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