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New Feature! See your HeyOrca posts in Facebook Ads Manager with Pre-scheduling!
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New Feature! See your HeyOrca posts in Facebook Ads Manager with Pre-scheduling!

Product Updates
December 5, 2019

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Wouldn't it be amazing if you could see your organic content from HeyOrca in Facebook Ads Manager?

Now you can in HeyOrca with our new Pre-Scheduling feature. 🎉

Easily plan and collaborate your organic content in HeyOrca then schedule directly into Facebook's scheduler to convert to an ad! Here's a few reasons why you and your team will 💙 this new feature!



Save Time Converting Organic Posts to Ads

No longer are they days waiting for a post to go live to convert to an ad! Do it all ahead of time now with HeyOrca's pre-scheduler!

Now easily plan ad posts out in advance in our calendar and send them straight to Facebook's scheduler to convert to an ad. Eliminate the need to re-create organic posts in Facebook Scheduler and save yourself double the work!

We know you and your team are going to love this game-changing feature so you can better plan out your ad campaigns to increase reach and engagement on your page!

Get Everyone on the Same Page

There are many cogs in the machine that is Facebook Ads. From the copywriting, to designing, revisions and stakeholder approval, we simplified that process so everyone stays on the same page!

Create accurate mockups of your post in our calendar and involve your internal team to make edits! Once it's ready for stakeholder viewing, easily loop them in with a shareable link.

Your clients will love seeing pre-scheduled posts that you are putting their 💰 behind!

Keep Clients and Stakeholders Updated

We know looking professional to your clients is one of the most important factors of running an agency. With our pre-scheduling process let us do the automation while you focus on what matters - bringing your client an amazing product!

Need to loop in a page admin that's not in HeyOrca? No problem! Now they can easily access your mockup in the Facebook scheduler in case of last minute revisions. As soon as your approve your post in HeyOrca, the post will be sent to Facebook scheduler before the scheduled time.

Your clients will LOVE how easy this process is to plan great ads ahead of time!


How to pre-schedule in HeyOrca!


Here's how to pre-schedule your posts in HeyOrca:


Step 1: Create your post in HeyOrca!


Step 2: Change the Scheduler option by clicking on HeyOrca Scheduler


This step allows you to choose which scheduler your post will be managed through: The HeyOrca Scheduler or The Facebook Scheduler.


Pro-Tip: If you want to create organic and ad posts without re-creating them in the Facebook Scheduler, you can send them to Facebook so that a copy of your post will be available to boost.


Toggle the Facebook option on for the post to be sent to the Facebook Scheduler.



Step 3: Send to Scheduler

Once the post is approved, the post will be sent to the Facebook scheduler at the scheduled time, or can be sent immediately by clicking Schedule Now:


Congratulations! You've now sent your HeyOrca posts to the Facebook Scheduler 🙌

Note: When you send your posts to the Facebook Scheduler, publishing is managed and handled directly by Facebook.


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