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Make Your Posts Shoppable with HeyOrca's Instagram Product Tagging!
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Make Your Posts Shoppable with HeyOrca's Instagram Product Tagging!

Product Updates
October 25, 2023

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Achieve Effortless Product Promotion with using Instagram Product Tagging

We're excited to be adding another great feature for all users to help save time and energy with HeyOrca's newest feature  – Instagram Product Tagging! 🚀 It's time to say goodbye to the hassle of manually tagging your products and hello to the ability to tag items and schedule your content from your calendar!

The Rise in Popularity of Instagram's Product Shops

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, social media has become a crucial avenue for businesses to connect with their audiences and drive sales. According to a recent study by Gitnux, 54% of users find it easy to discover and shop products on Instagram and 36% of people purchase products within 5 hours of discovering them on Instagram!

With the rapid growth of Instagram's product shops, brands and agencies can find success in promoting their products on these new sales channels. You can find new audiences, share your products and sell directly from within the Instagram experience. With product tagging, you can promote your content to new audiences while saving time!

Key Features and Functionality

Want to see how this feature can be used to improve your team's current workflow? Some of the key features and functionalities of this feature include:

  • Calendar Integration: Easily link your Instagram shop products to your HeyOrca calendar for smooth, one-stop content creation.
  • Effortless Tagging: Tag your products within the HeyOrca calendar, eliminating the need for back-and-forth between platforms.
  • Carousel Compatibility: Enjoy the convenience of tagging products in both single images and carousel posts.
  • Time-saving Efficiency: Schedule your posts in advance using our direct publishing feature. When your content is live, your products will be tagged!

The Benefits for Your Team and Clients

Having the ability to tag your products directly within your calendar allows your team to reap the benefits of HeyOrca's approval and scheduling functionalities, while having the ability to promote your products.

  • Team Collaboration: Collaborate on your posts with your team and clients, and ensure all stakeholders are aligned and happy with your promotional content
  • Time and Effort Savings: Increase your team's efficiency by reducing the time spent on manual posting and tagging by scheduling your content using HeyOrca's scheduling features
  • Boosted Sales Potential: With the ease of product discovery, you're poised to boost conversions and drive more sales through your Instagram content.

How to Use Instagram Product Tagging: A Quick Guide

Step 1: Ensure You Meet the Requirements for Product Shop

To tag products on your Instagram posts, you'll need to have an active store on your Meta Commerce page. To learn more about Meta Commerce, click here!

You'll also need to have your account connected to your HeyOrca calendar as a Business Profile. To learn more about connecting your account as a business profile, click here!

Step 2: Create a New Post

Head over to your calendar and select create post to being creating your post by choosing your Instagram Business Profile, and selecting a publishing time for your post.

Once your post has been created, you can upload your image(s) to your post. Instagram product tagging is currently available for single images and carousel posts.

Step 3: Tag your Products

To tag your products, select the product tagging icon located next to the user tagging icon on your post's image.

This will open up your Instagram product shop. From here, easily select and tag your desired products onto your image(s).

You can choose your products by navigating through your collections, or by selecting 'view all products'. Additionally, you can find specific products using the search bar.

Note: You can tag up to 5 products per image on your post

To change the location of your tag, you can click anywhere on the image after selecting the product. Once you're happy with the location, select 'Add Product Tag' to save your selection.

To untag an added product, press the 'Untag' Button.

Step 4: Schedule and Publish Your Content!

With your products now tagged, and your content approved, you can go ahead and schedule your post for publishing!

When your post is published, your selected products will be live on your post for your audience to view!

We hope this helps you #TakeBackYourDay!

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