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Getting Started On A Social Media Content Plan
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Getting Started On A Social Media Content Plan

February 28, 2016

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Social media can be an amazing and effective tool for marketers - but it can also be mesmerizing and overwhelming at times. Especially when you're trying to develop a social media tactical plan. What platforms will reach your audience? What kinds of content will they respond to best? Creating a social media tactical plan can be tedious - that's why we've highlighted some points to help make your tactical plan kick butt.

1. Start Blogging.... like, now.

B2B businesses that use blogs get 67% more leads than those who don't! Blogging is a great form of content in the sense that it can be incorporated into your website, but you can also promote blog posts on your social media channels. Blogging is a great source for thought leadership, sharing of links, and consumer engagement. Establish what you'll be writing about, how often you plan on publishing, and how it will create value for your audience. Blogs are also vessels for CTAs and can help increase SEO. They also don't cost any money, so there's that.

2. Social Media Networks

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest... the list goes on. The important thing is to choose which channels fit your audience, and also keep in mind that each network has it's own sort of etiquette. Ensuring that you're using social media effectively can also be a little tricky - here are some overarching points for social media networks from Marketo.

  • Join any relevant groups or lists
  • Communicate ( Follow, Like, Share) any relevant thought leaders, pages or accounts
  • Use to promote brand awareness and communicate with customers
  • Share relevant links and engaging content

Stay on top of any updates or new features on social media networks ( I know, easier said than done) and use them! Social media platforms are also great since audiences can access them on mobile, desktop, and tablets. Additionally, take advantage of how friendly these sites are for visuals like videos, GIFs, and animations - easy and quick consumption in a bite-size format!

3. Consistent Brand Personality

There's nothing better than a brand that knows exactly who they are! It's a lot more engaging for customers who are able to identify with a brand personality with which they resonate. Different social media platforms may have varying etiquettes, and if there are different people blogging with varying writing styles, do your best to create a fluid personality throughout any platform.

4. Creating Valuable Content

It doesn't matter how much social media content you pump out if it isn't relevant to you or your audience - so know your audience well. 83% of B2B marketers use content to generate leads. Whatever you're posting on social, blogging about, etc.- make sure you can justify it by how it adds value to your audience. Using social media as a vessel for valuable content is another form of inbound marketing, and the more active you are (higher SEO), the easier it is to find you! And make sure that any CTAs include just that - a call to action (verb). Google also ranks pages that feature images and videos higher!

5. Metrics

Analytics can be tricky. Being able to pinpoint exactly how much ROI you're getting from social media is easier said than done. So take advantage of any Like, Share, View, Retweet or Reply features on social media platforms. This will be a great indicator of audience reach. This is especially valuable information when it comes to choosing what content you want to use for things like promotions, product knowledge, or consumer engagement. Metrics are also a great way to plan any milestones you would like to reach throughout a campaign.If you're ever unsure when planning content for social media, ask yourself these 3 questions:

  • What's my objective?
  • What actions will I take?
  • What metrics will I use?

If you're able to answer these 3 questions, you're on the right track!

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