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Why Ditching Social Media Spreadsheets Will Save Your Sanity
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Why Ditching Social Media Spreadsheets Will Save Your Sanity

August 15, 2017
Image of how Ditching Social Media Spreadsheets Will Save Your Sanity|Social Media Spreadsheets Hope Water Light Sparkler|

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[et_pb_section bb_built="1" admin_label="section" next_background_color="#000000"][et_pb_row admin_label="row" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" background_size="initial"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text background_layout="light" border_style="solid" module_class="blog-font" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" background_size="initial" _builder_version="3.0.80" module_alignment="left"]A social media post is a sum of its parts: key message, copy, hashtags, and images. These components are meant to work together, so why make social media approvals a chore by having to juggle e-mails, spreadsheets, and images to view those parts separately? That process not only takes a lot of time, it also means that your messaging can get lost in translation.All agencies know that a happy client is a lucrative client, and the more back-and-forth required for approvals, the higher the chances of miscommunication and tension.Massage that tension away by getting rid of spreadsheets altogether! Bring all your assets together and share posts as they would look when published. This has the benefit of allowing stakeholders to view social media posts as they are meant to be seen, offering up the full impact of your creative vision.We know that you are used to spreadsheets, and it's always hard to say goodbye, but hey - what have spreadsheets done for you lately?

Social media spreadsheets: the silent killer

Using spreadsheets for social media approvals is like playing Olympic-level ping-pong. There's a lot of back and forth, it gets aggressive, and inevitably, the ball is going to get lost.Nobody likes lengthy email chains, nor do they like having to do more work than is necessary. By using spreadsheets for approvals, you are more likely to damage your agency-client relationship when the process hits a wall. What's more, it's also more likely that by viewing the various components of a social post separately, your client won't understand the nuances of your messaging.Say as an agency working with a lifestyle brand, you are working on the social media messaging for their Jump detergent line, and adopt their generally light and family-friendly tone of voice. As the client is sponsoring a major Shakespeare Festival in Salt Lake City, you try to effectively link the concept of detergent with the out, damned spot scene from Macbeth. The copy reads Out, damned spot! Jump are proud sponsors of The Salt Lake Shakespeare Festival.Without context, you can easily imagine a reader could be confused by this copy. For example, if they have never read or seen Macbeth, they might question your use of language. Of course, the image you were planning to use would likely have also added context - but without even seeing it or realizing what you are trying to do, the negative connotation is already stuck in their mind.Of course, if you had sent the post as a whole, including an image of a Shakespearian actor in costume using a washing machine and some promotion for the festival, it likely would have made more of an impact. So then what about sending screenshots of your drafts?Screenshots are certainly better for sharing visuals but are not so great for sharing more than a few posts at a time. Not to mention the fact that it eats up your time it takes to mock up posts and share every revision.

Save your sanity, improve your reputation

Using either spreadsheets or screenshots can make an agency seem disorganized and unprofessional, which is also one of the top reasons why social media agencies lose clients.The method your agency uses to share social media with clients sets the tone for your overall communication, and in turn how your clients perceive you. For agencies, it is important to take the temperature of your processes and ask yourself, does the method your agency is using make a good impression? Are they perceiving the full value your agency offers them?By presenting proposed social media content to clients in a way that is both visually accurate and clearly communicated, your agency can lay the groundwork for a relationship that encourages engagement and collaboration.

If you love your spreadsheets, set them free

We know it's hard to say goodbye, but hey, we're here for you.HeyOrca makes social media planning easy - plan, mock up, and share social media content with their clients in just a few clicks. Our handy drag-and-drop calendar makes it easy to schedule and reschedule posts and publish them directly to your social channels, and our tag management system makes organizing your content a snap. The platform also keeps track of all comments and approvals, adding transparency and accountability to the approval process.Improving how you collaborate with your clients by involving them in the creative process can go a long way toward ensuring well-received social media content. So hey - help us, help you.Click below to watch a video about HeyOrca, and sign up for our newsletter so you never miss any of our tips and tricks for optimizing agency workflow and social media content.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row make_fullwidth="off" use_custom_width="off" width_unit="on" use_custom_gutter="off" allow_player_pause="off" parallax="off" parallax_method="off" make_equal="off" parallax_1="off" parallax_method_1="off" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" background_size="initial" global_module="7010"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text global_parent="7010" background_layout="light" text_orientation="center" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" background_size="initial" module_alignment="center"]

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