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5 steps for creating and implementing content pillars that serve your social media community
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5 steps for creating and implementing content pillars that serve your social media community

Social Media
September 20, 2024
Christina Garnett's headshot surrounded by pink social media icons overlayed on a light green background.

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👋 I’m Christina, Chief Community Officer at HeyOrca and a passionate advocate for customer experience and brand communities. 

Today, I’ll guide you through an essential process for crafting a community-led content strategy that not only engages but also delights your social media community. In this blog, we’re going to cover 5 steps you can take to build and implement community-led content pillars that serve, engage, and grow your online communities. Let’s get started. 

What are community-led social media content pillars?

Before we jump into the steps, let’s clarify what we mean by community-led content pillars. Unlike traditional content pillars, which often focus on brand-centric themes, community-led content pillars pivot around the interests, needs, and values of your community. These pillars form the foundation of your content strategy, ensuring that every post you create serves a purpose and resonates with your audience.

Community-led content pillars are built on the understanding that your community is at the heart of your content creation process. This means not just producing content for content’s sake, but crafting content that genuinely serves and engages your community.

5 steps for building community-led social media content pillars

So what are these steps and how can you determine what your content pillars should be?

1. Establish your content-market fit

What exactly is content-market fit? This isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the cornerstone of your content strategy. Content-market fit is about ensuring that your content satisfies the needs and desires of your target audience. When your content aligns perfectly with what your community wants, magic happens—your engagement rates go up because you’re sharing content that they want to engage with. 

To find this fit, use tools like the Social Media Community Building Canvas. This tool helps you map out key elements such as who your audience is, their pain points, their values, and how your content can address those needs. It’s a strategic way to ensure that every piece of content you create hits the mark and serves your community effectively.

Purple, pink, and blue table with text depicting the 7 parts of HeyOrca's social media community-building canvas: purpose, shared identity, value, success, experience and roles, engagement, and spaces.
HeyOrca's Social Media Community-Building Canvas available at

2. Understand your shared identity and value

Next up, let’s talk about shared identity and value. Shared identity refers to the common goals, interests, and values between your brand and your community. Identifying these overlaps helps you create content that truly resonates with your audience.

For instance, if your brand and your community both value sustainability, crafting content around eco-friendly practices will likely hit the sweet spot. This connection boosts the authenticity and relevance of your content. Remember, it’s not about broadcasting your message—it’s about engaging in a meaningful conversation with your community and reinforcing the common values that bring you together.

When you tailor your content to what matters to your audience, they can tell and it makes them feel seen. 

3. Consider the different stages of your community’s journey

Every community goes through different stages of growth and development, and it’s crucial to tailor your content to these stages. For example, new followers may need introductory content that helps them get to know your brand, while long-time followers might crave more in-depth, specialized content.

By understanding where your community members are in their journey, you can create content that meets their specific needs at each stage. This approach not only keeps your content relevant but also fosters a deeper connection and engagement with your audience.

4. Develop your strategic content plan

With your content-market fit and shared identity in mind, it’s time to develop your strategic content plan. This plan should outline your content pillars—the core topics that your content strategy will revolve around. Remember, these pillars should be flexible enough to evolve as your community grows and changes.

To visualize this, think of a Venn diagram. On one side, you have your brand’s core interests and expertise. On the other, you have the interests and needs of your community. The overlap between these two areas is where your content pillars should lie. These pillars ensure consistency in your messaging and help you maintain focus on key topics that matter most to your community and align with your brand.

Pink, purple, and blue Venn diagram depicting the shared identities between HeyOrca and the HeyOrca community: marketing teams, social media managers, and HeyOrca users.
Here's what HeyOrca's shared identities look like.

5. Create content that resonates with your social media community

Now comes the fun part—creating content! With your content pillars established, start crafting content that resonates with your social media community. The key here is to consistently deliver value, whether it’s through educational posts, inspirational stories, or entertaining content. 

Understanding the value you provide is crucial for maintaining engagement and growing your community. Value can take many forms, so ensure you’re delivering what your community finds most valuable. Remember, ongoing engagement and feedback are essential. Listen to your community so you can continuously refine and improve your content strategy to better serve them. By understanding the context in which your content exists, you can create content that feels timely, relevant, and impactful.



There you have it—5 steps to create and implement community-led social media content pillars that will engage and grow your online community. By focusing on establishing content-market fit, understanding your shared identity and value, considering the different stages of your community’s journey, developing a strategic content plan, and creating resonant content, you’ll be well on your way to building a strong, engaged social media community.

Want to learn more? Check out our free social media and community-building courses in HeyOrca Academy and let us know what you want us to cover next. 

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