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On-Demand Geofilters on Snapchat - Put Yourself on the Map
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On-Demand Geofilters on Snapchat - Put Yourself on the Map

March 23, 2016
On-Demand Geo filter|||

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You might as well send an invitation to Snapchat, because you'll probably be using those On-Demand Geofilters throughout your whole special event or celebration!

The popular app has now launched On-Demand Geofilters, giving enthusiasts (myself included) the ability to create on-demand snapchat geofilters to personalize your own Geofilter based on your location and events! So how exactly does this customized filter work? Well, it will cost you.

How To Create On-demand Snapchat Geofilters

  1. Design your own On-Demand Geofilter that meet Snapchat guidelines! Remember, your creation will have to be approved, so try to be as unique as possible.
  2. Decide on a time, and set a geofence (geographical area) for your On-Demand Geofilter.
  1. Once approved, buy your On-Demand Geofilter and receive within one business day (if only all online shopping was that speedy, can I get an amen?).

Create your own On-Demand Geofilter by using this online tool. Once registered and you've submitted your masterpiece, you'll receive an automatic email indicating if your On-Demand Geofilter has been approved. On-Demand Geofilters are evaluated in the manner they're received, and have to meet certain guidelines (Content, originality, description etc.) to be approved. There are also brand guidelines. Costs start at around $5.

What does this mean for marketing teams and agencies?

This update not only allows Snapchatters the opportunity for personalization, but Snapchat is allowing companies to utilize the feature as well. So regardless of where, or how big your event is, you'll be able to create an On-Demand Geofilter that perfectly describes you! These new On-Demand Geofilters also give you a chance to promote user-created content. What better way to spark communication and engagement? (Nothing, that's what)Gary Vaynerchuk, a huge advocate of Snapchat, explains it best:

It's not how many followers you have, it's how many care. It's not width, it's depth. It's not how many impressions you get, it's how much attention you get.

Okay, so now you have Geofilters figured out, what kind of content should you post? Here are a few examples;

  • "How-to's" - Tasty is a great example
  • "Behind the Scenes" - what exactly goes into your product or service?
  • Special event coverage - Award shows, the Oscars for example, used Snapchat to keep users engaged (It was also the launch of LIVE video stories on Snapchat)

If you're interested in more business tips when it comes to Snapchat, check out our blog on SnapChat 2.0.

This Snapchat update is once again an indicator of the immersive, personalized social experience users want. The addition of On-Demand Geofilters is another way Snapchat is becoming a more captivating and interactive platform for marketers. Will you use On-Demand Geofilters in your next campaign?

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