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Signs of a Successful Social Media Strategy
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Signs of a Successful Social Media Strategy

February 22, 2017
Signs of a successful social media strategy|||

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You've done the research, planned your content, strategized goals, and now your social media strategy has taken off! But has it taken off, successfully? If you're not tracking the return, how do you know that your efforts were worth it? Unfortunately, you won't. Too often we create strategies that we can't imagine being anything less than amazing however, it doesn't always turn out that way.

Social media engagement and communications can be a tricky to pin down in terms of progress and impact it contributes to your online presence. It can be even harder when the strategy is aimed to boost things like product knowledge or brand awareness. You won't be able to justify to yourself, let alone any social media manager, the time and money it takes to create a social media strategy unless you know it's working. So here are a few key signs to look out for that means your strategy is on the right track.


The sole purpose of social media is to connect and communicate with other people and without an engaged audience, you might as well not be on social at all. Creating a base of engaged and responsive audiences starts with making real connections and sharing valuable content. So do you homework what will resonate with your customers and potential customers? Put sales on the side and focus on genuine interactions people talk with people, not brands. Once you have engagement down, the corresponding goals are sure to follow.


If your content is engaging with your audience, identifying why your product is the solution they're looking for, you should see an increase in conversions. By distributing valuable content on social media, leads should be directed to your owned content which will contribute to an influx of website traffic, thereby increasing the exposure of landing pages. Badda boom badda bing your social media strategy just landed you some valuable information about a potential customers, and a maybe a chance to speak with new prospects.


Higher interaction rates with your social media presence, penetrating new audiences, and influx of organic leads. These are all encouraging signs. As your social media strategy captures the attention of more audience members, not only does this mean your social content is working, it will demand more of you and your ressources. Being busy is good, but the key here is to adapt your workflow to handle this influx allocating time and personnel in response. Also consider finding a social media tool with a streamlined editorial calendar to help save you time in planning to engage with your audience.


Everyone knows the crucial role social media plays in developing your brand, but justifying money and time spent on social media strategies is another story. The important factor is that whatever metric youre using actually reflects the goal you're trying to achieve. Keeping track of @mentions would be a much better indicator of social media engagement than say, organic leads. Don't underestimate the information you can gather from vanity metrics.


One of the most valuable things we have is time, and there's nothing more frustrating than working on a strategy that turns out to have more bark than bite. By keeping a lookout for these signs, you'll be able to plan, manage, and review social media strategies accordingly so your brand's presence can pack a punch, and drive results.

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"In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore defines a market as a group of individuals who can reference each other. Put another way, for every market there is a social media community waiting to be born."


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