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Messaging Apps - The Ones to Watch Out For
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Messaging Apps - The Ones to Watch Out For

March 6, 2017

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What Apps are we talking about?

Messenger - estimated 1,000 millionWhatsApp - estimated 1,000 millionWeChat- estimated 845 million

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Why Brands are Using Them

Number of users

Over 2.5 billion people have at least one messaging app installed. Since people have become inseparable from their phones, more and more users are opting for mobile-friendly platforms, and messaging apps offer just that. The numbers don't lie. Messaging apps are now surpassing social media platforms in number of users.

Messaging is one of the few things that people do more than social networking.- Mark Zuckerberg, Live Q&A 2014

More private

In a world saturated with filters, it's no wonder that users are sick of having to scroll through endless timelines and content they can't be bothered with. Messaging apps aren't limited to texts either - try video, gifs, photos, or link sharing. When it comes to communicating with customers, there's a better chance of having a genuine exchange since its a private conversation between the two of you. Great for stuff like customer service, inquiries, and surveys.Though privacy may encourage the potential room for any criticism from audience members, it's much better to be in your inbox than plastered all over social networks for the world to see.


One of the major predictions coming into the 207 was the takeover of automation tools - especially chatbots. These artificial-intelligence driven robots can help with customer questions and inquiries, as well as suggest products and just chit-chat. It's a lot easier and less time consuming to manage communication with customers via chat bot automation than assigning personnel to handle communication on major social platforms.


Everything today is instantaneous. Sure, you can post in real-time on other platforms, but that's assuming your audience is able to isolate your content from everything else that's convoluting their platform. The capacity to communicate with customers, offer promotions, and share content on the spot not only creates value, but separates you from competitors.

Brands Using Them


Sephora was the first major cosmetics brand to move operations onto a messaging platform in March of 2016. In hopes of catering to the growing trend of personalization, Sephora introduced the strategy to seem more like a friend when it comes to purchasing makeup through one-on-one conversations. Additionally, learning more about their customers needs.

Washington Post

The jump to Facebook Messenger was a must for Washington Post. The key to writing about news and world events is to distribute it ASAP, and messaging apps allow just that. Beyond simple interactions with customers, the chatbot also offers a selection of additional articles users may find interesting based on past reads.

Kate Spade

Kate Spade expanded their promotional strategy onto WeChat just in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Aside from showcasing items from the new Kate Spade new collection, users had the chance to win prizes from opening a digital red envelop. This promotional tactic is not only an interactive way to spread the word about products, but can also be shared with others - expanding Kate Spades audience.

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As audiences continue to shift towards messaging apps, brands will be sure to follow. Messaging apps create personal and genuine experiences between brands and customers while uncovering market insight. Whether you use messaging apps for customer service, e-commerce, or promotions, make sure you have some concrete goals in mind and decide on which messaging app will get you there. One thing is for certain - messaging apps can't afford to be ignored.

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