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Social Media Marketing for Agencies Is a Snap with HeyOrca!
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Social Media Marketing for Agencies Is a Snap with HeyOrca!

December 15, 2017
social media management for agencies HeyOrca|Social Media Workflow Client Approvals Audit Trail HeyOrca|HeyOrca publishing|HeyOrca collaboration|HeyOrca calendar

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[et_pb_section bb_built="1" _builder_version="3.0.80" module_class="blog-font"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.92" background_layout="light"]Social media marketing for agencies is a chore without the right solution.If you're reading this, you probably use social media tools like Hootsuite and are looking for alternatives as you face some or all of the following bottlenecks in your workflow:

  • You use different tools for collaboration, client approvals, and publishing
  • You have no way to group social media accounts or scheduling by client
  • You're involved in lengthy email threads for content production
  • You have to export content for clients to review in a spreadsheet
  • You have no simple method of passing work to the next set of eyes
  • Your team members are duplicating efforts or working on the wrong version of content
  • You have no way to store evergreen content or reusable images and videos

HeyOrca was designed from the ground up with your agency in mind.HeyOrca not only solves the problems above but further optimizes the social media planning experience with lots of extra perks.

How HeyOrca optimizes Social Media Marketing for Agencies:

Centralized collaboration, client approvals and publishing

Why would you jump between tools and documents when you can centralize your social media planning with one handy solution?Say goodbye to spreadsheets. Every stakeholder views posts exactly as they will look when published, and all collaboration and client approval happens directly on our platform.When your posts are approved by the client, they will be published at your chosen time on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram. Easy peasy.

HeyOrca publishing

Separate calendar and environment for each client

Every one of your client accounts gets a designated environment so you view only their social media accounts and social media editorial calendar. You can easily navigate between your client accounts through your account dashboard or our collapsible sidebar.Our social media calendar allows you to schedule posts to publish, and the ability to drag-and-drop a post from one day to another. You'll easily be able to see which posts have been approved by the client.You can also view social media posts fully expanded in a daily timeline view.

HeyOrca calendar

Collaboration with team members and clients made simple

HeyOrca helps you keep your social media production workflow running smoothly.Easily invite in the right member of your team at the right time of the production process, so there is no confusion about who should be the next set of eyes. Collaborating in a central environment ensures everyone is working on the same version of content.When you're ready for the client to view, select any number of posts and send them a custom link, which allows them to come in and view only those posts with no login required.All stakeholders are able to leave comments on posts, and @mention team members to send them an email notification. For full transparency, every comment and edit to a post is logged in our audit trail, so there is no he said she said down the line.

Audit Trail HeyOrca

Each client gets a content library and unlimited storage for media

Do you need to reuse social media posts, templates, images or videos?Each of your client accounts includes a content library for posts and a media library to store all your assets - and they both have unlimited storage!

HeyOrca collaboration

Tagging for both social media posts and media

We know your calendar and libraries get busy, so we've made it easy for you to tag your posts and media assets to be able to use filters and find them easily by category.

Social Media Marketing For Agencies Made Easy!

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HeyOrca is a social media planner built for social media agencies. Our product centralizes content approval and client management in one place.

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"In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore defines a market as a group of individuals who can reference each other. Put another way, for every market there is a social media community waiting to be born."


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