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J Squared Communications on Scaling From Solopreneur to Marketing Agency
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J Squared Communications on Scaling From Solopreneur to Marketing Agency

February 1, 2018
J Squared Communications Jessica Reveles Features||

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How HeyOrca empowered Jessica Joy Reveles to scale J Squared Communications from a team of one to a successful boutique full-service digital marketing agency.

With over 10 years of marketing experience working both in-house and agency behind her, Jessica Joy Reveles launched her J Squared brand in 2015, which specializes in digital marketing for health & wellness, fashion & beauty, and lifestyle.She has since transformed J Squared Communications into a successful boutique digital agency, but she started out as a team of one.Life as a freelancer working to build an agency is tough, and the workload is demanding. Jessica was up for the challenge, and was initially successful at juggling the social media of her various clients using Hootsuite and exporting content to spreadsheets for her clients to review.Once she had more than a handful of clients, however, working with spreadsheets and dealing with lengthy back-and-forth emails from each client became a major bottleneck.


As a freelancer managing social media for multiple clients, Jessica found that she was spending countless wasted hours a week on the client approval process for her copy:

"My hands were tied because of having to send copy via Google Docs and spreadsheets. Clients couldn't fully grasp what I was trying to describe in a spreadsheet cell, and adding additional columns with content and links to images still makes it hard to picture the full effect. This type of collaboration was a lot for both sides to manage, and visually unappealing."

Without an easy way for the client to provide feedback, more often than not when a client wanted something changed, she'd have to rewrite from scratch. Once approved, she'd then have to transfer all the copy back into Hootsuite and add the images to publish.Client management was also difficult as she wasn't able to group social media accounts, which can start to be a real mess with even two or three clients.With a clunky social media workflow like this in place, it was difficult for Jessica to focus on the creative thinking that sets a brand apart, and take on the additional business she needed to grow her team.


Jessica started using HeyOrca in 2016, and it completely revolutionized the way she works with clients.Each of her client accounts exists in their own environment in HeyOrca with an editorial scheduling calendar and media asset libraries. By centralizing the entire social media planning lifecycle, and never having to export copy, she started saving countless hours per week.

"I was blown away by the ease and efficiency of use. Using HeyOrca's comment threads made collaborating with my team and clients on a post easy, and I can invite clients in with a link to see a whole month's worth of posts in advance. Clients love seeing posts visualized as they will look when they're published."

Jessica's team and clients @mention each other in the comment thread for each social media post, alerting them via email that their attention is needed. Her team also makes extensive use of the content and media library available to all HeyOrca users to store evergreen assets, and tags content by theme and campaign so it's easy to find later.Another big time saver is the ability to copy a draft to the content library for future use on the same social network, or transfer it to another social network and adjust the copy accordingly.Clients are so impressed by the HeyOrca interface, Jessica even uses it when pitching new business to show a prospect mockups for their brand.


J Squared Communications is now a team of eight and has 15 full-time clients.J Squared also uses HeyOrca to manage their own social media accounts, including two Facebook pages, two Instagram accounts, and a Twitter profile. Jessica can rely on her team to do all the copywriting and image selection before she comes in to review all the content before publication.

"Without HeyOrca I couldn't have grown my team and client-base to the size it is now. Not only is the planning time for social media drastically reduced, but clients are continually surprised and delighted by the HeyOrca interface. What's more, I can train a new team member to use HeyOrca in under 20 minutes."

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