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Hashtags and Branding : Social Media Planning
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Hashtags and Branding : Social Media Planning

March 18, 2016

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5 years ago nobody would have placed much importance on the pound sign. Besides using the pound button to skip a selection of automated options when I called my bank, I can't recall using it for anything else. Once only known as the pound sign, hashtags are now used to describe content like videos, pictures, or even events and locations across numerous social media channels.

Hashtag History Lesson

The pound icon was already being used in the late 1980's byIRC to categorize things like images, videos, and other content. It wasn't until 2007 that the hashtag was introduced into the social media world by Chris Messina, at the time, on a new and up and coming platform named Twitter. The hashtag was officially adopted by Twitter in 2009 with code - hyperlinking any words with # in front of them. Twitter also was the first to identify any "trends" or "trending topics" based on which hashtags are most popular. Since then, other platforms from Facebook and Google+ have incorporated hashtags into daily social media life. So Twitter didn't exactly invent the hashtag, but it certainly launched it into the social media world.

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

For personal use it is perfectly ok to hashtagwhatever comes to mind, while brands whose campaigns or social media strategies use hashtags can't afford to be quite so liberal. There's a lot to consider when using hashtags for a brand. We're going to highlight the types of hashtags that you can use when planning your social median strategy, and highlightsome brands whose use of hashtags sky-rocketed their social media campaigns.

1. Brand Specific

Brand specific hashtags are those that center onyour brand or product. You could use your brand's name, a tagline, or a catch phrase. These kinds of hashtags wouldn't be isolated to a certain campaign or promotion (we'll get to that) so you can feature them in all sorts of posts. Additionally, by establishing a regular hashtag, there's a better chance of followers using the hashtag as well when they post about your brand or product. Here are some brands that always feature classic hashtags!Herschel Supply #WellTravelled


Fjallraven (Fjallraven Canada)#alwaysexplore


2. Campaign

Campaigns are a great way to use hashtags to promote consumer engagement, and a great way to experiment with any new hashtags you might want to try! One example of a campaign hashtag which you probably didn't miss is #ShareaCoke from Coca Cola. The 'Share a Coke' campaign encouraged drinkers and non-drinkers alike to share their stories and experiences, over sharing a coke. From giving consumers the chance to drink their favourite soda with their name on it, or being able to create your own personalized bottle, Coca-Cola was able to attract global attention.

hashtags social media planning

3. Trending

Trending hashtags are hashtags that have become very popular. If you hear someone mentioning what's "trending", that's what they're referring to. On Twitter and Facebook, they keep real time updates as to what's "trending" and you can search posts based on that trend.


Take 'Throwback Thursday" aka #tbt for example - always a trending hashtag on Thursdays. By incorporating these hashtags into your social media campaigns, whether it be on Twitter or another social channel, you're bound to see a growth in communication and engagement with followers. Posts that include trending hashtags are also more likely be viewed and shared. Users can even search via trending tags.

At the end of the day, regardless why or how you want to incorporate hashtags into your campaign, they're a great way to start a conversation and spark engagement.
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