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How to Survive Social Media Trends
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How to Survive Social Media Trends

September 23, 2016

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[et_pb_section admin_label="section"][et_pb_row admin_label="row"][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text admin_label="Text" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" text_font_size="16" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid"]Velour sweat suits, hammer pants, and tinted sunglasses. All equally fashionable and trendy over 15 years ago, but most people wouldn't be caught dead in any of them today. Staying up to trend, whether that be with your wardrobe or your content marketing strategy, is easier said than done, and usually means being flexible and versatile.Considering just how vast the social media world is, the speed at which it changes, and the endless features and updates that seem to appear every other day, staying on top of social media trends sounds like quite the labour intensive task. But when it comes to appearing current and trendy to your audience, would you rather been seen as out-of touch and behind the curveball? We didn't think so. By ensuring that your content and marketing efforts are up to date with the latest social media trends you'll gain much more audience engagement , and your audience will feel compelled to become part of the conversation. Audiences are interested in brands with which they can connect with it - so if your audience is into social media trends, so should your brand.[/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Text" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" text_font_size="16" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid"]

What are some social media trends that are going to effect your content marketing?

Employee Advocacy

Now, more than ever, employees are becoming megaphones for their brand or company on social. From connecting links to websites on social media bios, uploading pictures from the office or special events, and even sharing job posting. Regardless which content you're distributing, take into account your employees will probably give it a retweet or share via their own social account for others to see.

Influencer Marketing

Those using social media the most (millennials) also happen to be those most responsive to influencer marketing. So instead of posting a how-to video with a team member, try to find an influencer in that field to create and share the video on your products behalf. People are a lot more likely to share and engage with a less sales-y and profit driven form of content.


Similar idea to influencer marketing, audiences see through traditional advertising motives of sales and profits, and want to engage with a brand on a deeper level. Content with an emotional and thought provoking story, that doesn't necessarily put the brand first, also has the aspect of virality.

Related Article : Social Media in the Age of Storytelling

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Things to keep in mind when it comes to staying on trend


Get someone else to do the heavy lifting

When new trends or features are released on any social platforms you use, you want to act on them fast. However, this doesn't mean aimlessly refreshing your social pages - that's what apps and other resources are for. Sign up for newsletters or blog articles that regularly publish when social media news takes centre stage. If you have a particular platform on your radar, set up a Google Alert for your own chosen keyword - you'll get sent notifications if its found or trending on the web. Additionally, checking streaming apps like Feedly, and following certain channels, accounts, or topics will always keep you in the loop as it's constantly updating. These resources give you the ability to work on other projects and tasks that require your attention, while also staying up to date.

Here's a list of other resources you should check out!

Ensure your content is optimal on each platform

This can be challenging, but its a necessity. Ever wonder why long form content seems to be a lot more rampant on Facebook, or most user-generated content is on Snapchat and Instagram? By creating content specifically for each platform, instead of a one size fits all, your cross-channel campaign will be effective and engaging. For example - if you're going to market on Snapchat, it's probably a good idea to publish vertical content since thats how most people hold their phones when using the app. By creating a practice of ensuring that content reflects how your audience is using a channel or app, the task of staying up to trend will just become routine.

Related Article : How to Write Content that Converts

What's the goal of your content?

It may seem counter-intuitive at first, after what we've just discussed, but just because there's an update on a social platform or a trend that's sweeping the nation, that doesn't mean it will directly impact your content. Establishing what goals you plan to reach from your content marketing, like sales or product knowledge, will aid in the decision of what content to use, and how you'll execute that content to help reach those benchmarks. If a new trend or update could impact how your content will be received, and by extension the return of the content, then by all means try to alter that content to reflect the new trend. However, if the trend does not affect your content, allocate your time and resources to something else. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_text admin_label="Text" background_layout="light" text_orientation="left" use_border_color="off" border_color="#ffffff" border_style="solid" text_font_size="16"]Keeping up with trends and updates in the social media game is a must. By staying current and in the loop, your audience will see you as a brand who takes content, communicating, and engagement seriously. And who doesn't want that?

Here at HeyOrca, we dream about content and social media

Curious about planning your social media content?

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