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26 Creative (Mostly Free) Ways To Get More Facebook Page Likes
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26 Creative (Mostly Free) Ways To Get More Facebook Page Likes

January 1, 1970

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Despite its tumultuous times in 2018, Facebook is still the reigning social network champ by volume. With 2.23 billion active users worldwide, you'd be crazy not to want to get a piece of that pie.

Facebook offers immense potential (that can be intimidating at times). People are quick to suggest using paid ads to boost your business page or personal profile to get some likes and followers.

But building your follower count using paid ads can be expensive, and it might lead you down the vanity metric rabbit hole.

So, how can you leverage Facebook's huge user base for your client's business page while not breaking the bank or risking the vanity metric biscuit?

Here are 26 creative ideas to help you do it and make the most out of your Facebook Business page.

Why Build Your Facebook Business Page Followers/Likes?

Well, the answer is simple. There are three reasons:

1. More followers makes you look better.

In case you haven't noticed yet, social media is all about facades and vanity metrics.

Don't look at vanity metrics as a way to drive traffic. Instead, look at them for exactly what they are: vanity-- strict appearance.

More followers makes you look more popular to your audience. Popular businesses appear to be more trustworthy.

2. More followers and likes helps you show up in more feeds.

Like everything else, Facebook engagement is a numbers game.

The more fans you have, the more likely your content is to be seen in people's feeds.

For example, Reliablesoft theorizes that "only 4% of your audience will actually see your content," and four percent is a lot of people when you have 54k followers! So, building up your follower count can help increase visibility.

Although business page posts are theorized to take a hit in users' feeds, this doesn't mean that your business page's posts won't show up in their feeds.

If you're posting great content (and/or you ask your followers to change their feed settings for your business page) you can appear in a tonne of your followers' feeds.

3. More followers = more engagement = more coverage = more leads

Simply put: the more the merrier. More followers means more engagement, and meaningful engagement can lead to tangible results.

The more followers you have, the more brand awareness opportunities you have, which can lead to qualified leads for your client's sales team.

Why Not Just Pay For Facebook Page Followers The Easy Way? (You Ask)

We're not knocking the paid method, don't get us wrong.

Take Like Campaigns or boosting posts, for example. Both are great way to advertise your business page to garner page likes and improve brand visibility/awareness.

However, paying for followers does run the risk of having unengaged followers. This can be an expensive price to pay for a vanity metric.

26 Ways To Gain More Facebook Page Followers

Ordered least to most resource intensive. Enjoy!

  1. Ask friends, family, and early adopters.
    This is good way to start to building your Facebook Business Profile page through strong supporters who will be more likely to engage with you content. Getting them to ask their immediate network for a 2. boost can be a huge help too.
  2. Email signature widget.
    This is easy and foolproof. Ensure that the widget is consistent across your client's employee email signatures, and that you can track widget with a UTM.
  3. Employee advocacy.
    Get your client's team to ask their connections to like their Facebook business page and engage with the content. It's just a start, but it can help improve the reach of your posts and your page by getting a head start on the Facebook algorithm.
  4. Ask in email campaigns.
    Whenever you send out an email campaign for your client, use it as an opportunity to ask recipients to like your social profiles. Double down on email campaigns that target their Facebook demographic or pertain to Facebook use.
  5. Tag people and other pages.
    Posting content is one thing, but posting targeted content is another. If you post curated content written by another brand and tag them then you're more likely to get more shares and engagement which can lead to getting some page likes.
  6. Use an email list to ask for page likes in Facebook.
    When you're logged in as the page administrator, open the business page and upload your email contact list. People who have that email address and have Facebook will see your page as a recommendation.
  7. Post more valuable content.
    Posting more valuable and relevant content helps youimprove your page visibility and engagement. People want to follow brands that add value to their lives. The 80/20 rule (posting 80% non-promotional content) can really help you show new audiences that you're a great source for commentary on timely topics.
  8. Post exclusive content.
    By now, you should know that each social media network serves a different purpose in your audience's life. If you post content that specifically attracts your Facebook audience demographic, or if you post specific content on Facebook only, then you're able to engage the right communities and draw more people to your page. This can encourage people to tune into your page for updates on ultra-niche content.
  9. Use Facebook as the news source that it is.
    Facebook has morphed into a news source. Provide valuable content on your page that serves this purpose. People will want to like your page to get news updates. Be sure to market your Business Page as a news source if you decide to try this.
  10. Use relevant, popular hashtags.
    Show up in new news feeds by doing your research. Follow branded, news-related, and niche hashtags and use them whenever appropriate. Consistency is key for visibility and a chance to earn those extra page likes.
  11. Use location tags.
    Just like the previous point, location tags can help you show up in locations that people are searching for.
  12. Use your page to host forums.
    Being an information source and community hub gives people a huge reason to follow your page. Try this by creating a "community group" or by posting questions on your page that request audience engagement. This encourages people to feel like they need to follow your page to be "in the know," for example. It also improves engagement, which will help boost your visibility.
  13. Link to your Business Page on other social channels.
    Post regular CTAs on other social profiles that encourage existing followers to like your client's Facebook Business Page. If you can tell them how and why your Facebook Business Page is different than your other profiles, then you might see some great results.
  14. Monitor your top followers and pitch them an ask.
    Keep a list of the people who consistently engage with your content and reach out to them. Ask them to share your content and/or invite their connections to like your page. If you can incentivize this process then you'll see an even better return.
  15. Engage as your page.
    You can comment, like, and share content on other pages as your Facebook Business Page. Being an engaged Facebook Page can help improve your page's engagement and visibility.
    But we don't mean serial likes and "amazing 👏👏👏" comments. We mean contributing to genuine conversations on other posts. Starting a conversation and being committed to that conversation can help you get seen by new audiences. If you're consistent then you can definitely build up a following.
  16. Put a widget and a like box on your blog.
    You can download Wordpress widgets or get coding that encourages users to like your client's Facebook page on their website. It's a simple way to remind visitors to subscribe to your social profiles.
  17. Create a lightbox pop-up on your blog.
    Use a tool like OptinMonster to gain some new facebook page leads by making the CTA all about liking your Facebook page.
  18. Host open events.
    Create an event that is totally irresistible to your client's demographic. Make the event colourful, exciting, and open invitation. Encourage attendees to bring friends or invite their friends and family. You can post in the event and encourage people to like the business page, or even DM all the attendees asking them to like the business page for invitations to future events.
  19. Repurpose video content to Stories.
    Take all your videos (or as many as you can) and use them on the business's Facebook Stories feature. Stories appear at the very top of a user's news feed, which helps improve engagement. Although your Stories are only seen by your page followers, they can help encourage your followers to share your content (especially if it's in your CTA) and get those likes coming in.
  20. Invite people who liked your content to like your page.
    If you posted content that has been liked by people who don't follow your page, you can invite them to like your page. It might seem like a shot in the dark, but they might be inclined to tun in if they already like the content you post.
  21. Work on your "Facebook SEO."
    Use relevant keywords on your Facebook business page in the "about" section, in your company story section, the industry, and the mission statement. Update your company information (name, address, and phone) as well to help your page get seen on organic search.
  22. Leverage sister companies.
    If your client has affiliated businesses (or business friends) go to their social networks to broaden your page likes. Ask their followers to like your Business Page on those social channels, or in an email marketing campaign.
  23. Do a contest or giveaway promotion.
    If you want to really boost your page likes then incentivize it. Run a contest or giveaway that encourages your social media followers to like multiple social network profiles for a chance to win a product that's in demand for your target audience. Offer the prize only to profiles that "like" your Facebook Business Page and other relevant social profiles.
  24. Work with influencers.
    Influencers are a fantastic way to boost brand awareness because they have a large, well-engaged following (or at least they should be!). Run an influencer campaign that focuses on building Facebook business page engagement and likes through a giveaway, a shoutout, featured content, a takeover, or a simple follow recommendation. Working with influencers tends to be pricey, so be mindful of that.
  25. Do a socially responsible campaign.
    Instead of funnelling your marketing dollars into ads, try funnelling it into donations or your support for a community charity, for example. Encourage your most loyal followers to help share your content or build page referrals in exchange for business donations.
    Donate certain amounts to a cause based on post shares and page likes accumulated in a time frame. Think this can't work? Think again. Consider the hugely successful Bell Let's talk campaign!
  26. Use paid ads.
    Last but not least, you can of course use paid ads to boost your posts (to improve engagement) or advertise your business page throughout Facebook's native user experience. Keep in mind that you can't invite users who engage with boosted posts to like your business page.

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