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How EventCurious consolidated all their content in one tool
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How EventCurious consolidated all their content in one tool

July 11, 2017
|EventCurious Logo|EventCurious Logo

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How EventCurious Increased Client Engagement & Scaled Their Business

With Kelly Treadway, Marketing & Social Media Strategist


EventCurious works with companies focused on special events and hospitality to tell their story by leveraging online branding and sales. They take clients to the next level of visibility by working alongside them to build strategic solutions unique to their needs.


In a world dominated by spreadsheets, it's difficult for a social media manager to really impress clients and work efficiently at the same time. Before HeyOrca, Kelly and the EventCurious team used Excel to create content schedules in a calendar view. These calendars would only include the topics for posts and the time they were to be scheduled. Very little text. No images. No visualization. Clients were reviewing and approving topics blind to how the content would ultimately render.

"It's hard when you're working in a vacuum with a client and getting nothing from them."

This made it really difficult to provide clients with any context - resulting in clients not being engaged in the process. When clients finally did approve content, Kelly's team then needed to copy all topics into another tool for scheduling. This could take upwards of three people and four to five hours a week.

Not the most efficient use of time.


HeyOrca is a platform where agencies can keep a content calendar for each of their clients, all in one place. It reduces the need for multiple sources of communication and asset preparation. EventCurious now spends more time creating and optimizing content rather than communicating it in inefficient ways.

"It was huge for us to take all our content and consolidate it on one platform"

Accurately visualizing content is huge for everyone at EventCurious. Before HeyOrca that meant sending tons of Facebook screenshots. Now the visualization happens automatically as they create their clients' content.

"It's great for clients to see all their social platforms in one place. Even if we don't push it from HeyOrca, it's very efficient for the approval process!"


Since adopting HeyOrca, Kelly says that clients are much happier and excited to collaborate on content. This helps educate clients on the vision, which leads to better content and better storytelling. Four of EventCurious' clients go through the full approval process and are very happy with HeyOrca. It makes things easy for them.

"Clients are MUCH much happier and more engaged now. They can see things more visually and we get feedback much faster."

Scheduling time has also been cut in half with HeyOrca (and getting even shorter by working further in advance). This allows the EventCurious team to completely shift their focus and work on activities that help grow the business.

As a result of saving so much time with HeyOrca, EventCurious has more capacity to take on new clients they once had to turn away. HeyOrca is allowing them to scale their business and take on more clients with fewer, but more effective touch-points.

"HeyOrca feels much more a part of our team than previous tools - they're much more engaged!"

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