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5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Software Vendor
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5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Software Vendor

May 17, 2017

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  1. Partnership - When you are entering into a new business relationship, you want to know you are aligning yourself with a partner, someone who has a vested interest in both of you succeeding. Not just someone looking to collect their money and move on their merry way. Ask yourself, would you want to work with these people everyday? Do you seem to have similar business values? These considerations will go a long way to to ensuring the time and money you are spending on their solution will be beneficial to you.
  2. Hidden Fees - Hidden fees are a nightmare. You make a decision to move forward upon a specific price. Then a few months later you are hit with another invoice. What?! You go back to the vendor only to find out that that XYZ wasnt included in the standard fee you were quoted. How did that get past you? How disappointing?! When you are entering into a new business relationship, ask if there are any additional fees not outlined on the quote. Clear and simple pricing models are the best way to go, you know exactly what you will be paying for and you avoid the delayed disappointment.
  3. Experience - The best vendors have customer experience teams that are invested in your success as a customer. They are available when you have problems of course, but that is the bare minimum. These vendors develop a lasting relationship with you and your team. They uncover how you do things today and help you discover how you can improve, sometimes even beyond the scope of the product offering. They work tirelessly to ensure you get maximum value from the solution you have purchased.
  4. Innovation - The best vendors have a great product now, but they dont bank on that and relax. Innovation is a mindset. They are always researching, asking questions and developing new and better solutions. When you as a customer are at the focus of the ongoing research, you know that the product improvements are going to have a significant impact upon you as your business and the market continues to evolve.
  5. The People - Have you ever contacted a company and in dealing with that person you knew they hated every single second they spent at work? Did you leave the call feeling drained and felt pity for them? Well during your evaluation process of the product, spend some time evaluating the people that you are encountering as well. Do you get a sense they love what they do? Do you feel energized, or at the very least not drained, by them? In considering the people you will be dealing with, you will have a much better understanding of if they are going to be working hard for you and your business if they enjoy what they are doing.

If you look close, you might notice that every one of these principles can be boiled down to caring. Caring about clients, caring about business ethics, caring about being there for our clients, caring about our business, and caring about people.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section bb_built="1" fullwidth="off" specialty="off" _builder_version="3.0.106" custom_margin="0px||0px|" custom_padding="0px||0px|" prev_background_color="#000000" global_module="12909"][et_pb_row global_parent="12909" custom_padding="25px|25px|25px|25px" _builder_version="3.0.106" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" custom_margin="||0px|" background_color="#3f81f7" border_radii="on|15px|15px|15px|15px"][et_pb_column type="1_4"][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_2"][et_pb_signup global_parent="12909" feedburner_uri="Elegant Themes Blog" mailchimp_list="|null" use_background_color="off" _builder_version="3.0.106" custom_button="on" button_text_size="16px" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_bg_color="#63c37f" button_border_width="1px" button_border_color="#63c37f" button_border_radius="100px" button_font="|700||on|||||" button_use_icon="off" box_shadow_color_button="rgba(255,255,255,0.3)" activecampaign_list="|none" aweber_list="|none" campaign_monitor_list="|none" constant_contact_list="|none" convertkit_list="|none" emma_list="|none" feedblitz_list="|none" getresponse_list="|none" hubspot_list="HeyOrca|1159" icontact_list="|none" infusionsoft_list="|none" madmimi_list="|none" mailerlite_list="|none" mailpoet_list="|none" mailster_list="|none" ontraport_list="|none" salesforce_list="|none" sendinblue_list="|none" use_focus_border_color="off" background_layout="dark" result_message_font_size_tablet="51" result_message_line_height_tablet="2" button_icon_placement="right" provider="hubspot" success_message="You are in! " first_name_field="off" last_name_field="off" border_width_all_fields="1px" title="Join our Email Newsletter" button_text="Subscribe" border_radii_fields="on|10px|10px|10px|10px" text_orientation="center" header_font_size="25" header_font="Lato||||||||" border_color_all_fields="#ffffff" button_text_color_hover="#63c37f" button_bg_color_hover="#ffffff" button_border_color_hover="#63c37f" /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_4"][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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