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Agency Life
Creating & Collaboration are at the Heart of this Agency
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Creating & Collaboration are at the Heart of this Agency

Agency Life
September 3, 2019

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Welcome to our Agency Spotlight series! Each article will feature pioneers of the #agencylife and how they run their businesses in the modern world.

Who are you? What is your background?

McKenzi Heger: Hello! My name is McKenzi, and I’m a Digital Marketing Coordinator who focuses on social media management for clients in the real estate industry. My story begins about 4 years ago when I started my journey of becoming a social media specialist. I had always loved social media, but never knew a career in it was a thing. I discovered my major, Digital Communication, at the University of Baltimore and the rest is history! After graduation, and with the help from my dog blog, Savvy Paws, I found my position with my current agency – AdsIntelligence Marketing. I’ve been working here for about a year and a half now and love the challenges it presents. Every day is different!

Alexis Zadjura: Hi! I’m Alexis. I’m from Baltimore, Maryland and have lived here all my life. I went to college and played D1 lacrosse at Elon University, in North Carolina and graduated in 2018 with a degree in Sports Management. I’ve been working as a Digital Marketing Coordinator specializing in Social Media for a little over a year now. My dream job is to do the digital marketing for a professional sports team.

How would you describe AdsIntelligence Marketing?

MH: Innovative and intelligent! AdsIntelligence Marketing has two departments - the digital marketing department and the design department. As a part of the digital marketing team, I get to see my coworkers doing great things every day using some of the top advertising platforms available today. My favorite part is seeing how all of our work comes together. 

AZ: My agency is full of unique personalities and intelligent people. The main factor that drew me to this agency when I was applying for jobs was how smart everyone is. I learn so much every single day by working here. We are split into a Digital Marketing department and a Graphic Design department, but everyone pretty much works hand-in-hand.

What does AdsIntelligence Marketing do especially well? What is your speciality?

MH: AdsIntelligence does an amazing job at marketing for our clients. We use the best platforms available to give our customers the results they want, which mostly consists of qualified leads and selling all the houses. In my little corner of the social media world, I would say my specialty is staying within the client’s brand guidelines both in the voice of the copy and in the graphics we create. This can get challenging when you’re juggling up to 8 clients at a time, but with the help of organization, it works!

AZ: Although our agency works with a variety of types of clients, we take pride in all of our real estate clients. We have over 20 real estate clients, varying from townhomes, apartment communities, condo buildings, and custom home builders. The partners at AdsIntelligence are extremely intelligent and know all you need to know about real estate. 

My specialty would definitely be the ability to jump right into a project with no hesitation. My first week of this job, I was handed 7 clients and had to create a month’s social calendar for each of them before the week was over. Although this might have not been my best work, I stepped up to the challenge and was able to meet my deadline. Just this past week, I was given 3 new clients. Right now, I am managing 12 different clients, and I’m sure that number will continue to grow. Sometimes, it feels like a lot. But I think my competitive nature from playing sports all my life has translated well into this job, allowing me to push through challenging times in my career.

How would you describe your workplace/office culture?

MH: If you walk into our office, the first thing you’ll notice is that it’s very open. While this has its pros and cons, the advantages tend to come out on top! Everyone is always so willing to help each other, which is great since our workplace setup makes it really easy to collaborate with one another. You’ll often hear music playing and lots of laughter, especially when 5:30pm rolls around. A good sense of humor is a definite must! Oh, and a love for animals (I probably talk about my Poodle at LEAST once per day.)

AZ: Office culture here at AdsIntelligence is great. Recently graduating from college, company culture was one of the biggest things that was a deal breaker for me while looking for job. We have an open office where no one (besides the partners) has their own office. I know some people probably don’t prefer this, but it has resulted in me actually becoming friends with my coworkers. You will hear us chatting away every single day, whether it’s regarding work or the latest episode of The Bachelor. Plus, sometimes people bring their dogs into work, and I can’t get enough of that.

What does a typical day look like for you?

MH: A day in the life of McKenzi usually looks like a Facebook feed. Or an Instagram feed. Okay, all feeds! I check both organic and paid notifications for the clients I manage, so each morning is spent freeing each page of those little red bubbles and responding to any comments that need replies. I will also “boost” posts that need a little more love and write any blog or SEO content that needs to be created. Depending on where we’re at in the month, I will also start on the next month’s social calendar.

AZ: I arrive to work at 8:30 and usually spend an hour or so checking notifications for all of my social clients. These notifications come from both the organic posts, as well as any ads we run. As a social media marketer, maintaining the online reputation of my clients is a huge part of my job. After that, I will get started working on a social calendar or two. For a majority of my clients I will send them a month’s calendar in advance for them to approve. Sometimes I will just work on social calendars all day, or I will switch gears into content writing. For a couple of my clients I have dedicated hours that are set to writing blogs for their website. These blogs usually take around 3 hours or so, and then get sent to the client for edits. At the end of the day, I will go in and check notifications again for my clients, and then start planning my to-do list for the next day.

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