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What Agencies can Learn from the Best Instagram Stories
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What Agencies can Learn from the Best Instagram Stories

January 29, 2019
What Agencies can Learn from the Best Instagram Stories||||||Nike Running Story|

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[et_pb_section bb_built="1" next_background_color="#000000"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.0.106" background_layout="light"]Clients rely on agencies to come up with compelling Instagram Stories that will drive viewership and, more importantly, engagement.But you don't have to wire your creatives' brains dry coming up with clever or compelling campaigns. Instagram is full of brilliant ideas to learn from and adopt, that you can leverage for your own client's campaigns.The brands in the list below are highly skilled at turning Instagram into a storytelling platform, where viewers can enjoy the vicarious experiences that brands construct for them using Instagram Stories.Interested? Well, let's go have a look!1. NASA@nasa

NASA's Instagram feed is already chock-full of stunning images of stars, planets, and cutting-edge technology. But the Instagram stories are a different sort of wonder. NASA takes full advantage of the multimedia nature of the platform to take readers behind the scenes of all these wonderful images and discoveries.NASA is great at showcasing the people who work at NASA and the passion they bring to the job. They also show off the technology that makes stunning images and discoveries possible. The end result is that followers have a taste of what its like to work at the most advanced astronomical research organization in the world.2. Coffee n Clothes@coffeenclothesDo you like clothes? Do you like coffee? If you said yes to both, then we found the perfect Instagram account for you!Coffee n Clothes is a unique Instagram account with a simple, powerful concept. Share tasteful photos of you in your favorite outfit with your favorite beverage. The creator, Ryan Glick, encourages followers to submit their own photos, but he's also very, very good at creating engaging content himself.And when you have an account built entirely around showing off people wearing beautiful fashion products and accessories, you're bound to wonder just what it is people are wearing and where they got it.Coffee n Clothes cleverly incorporates product advertising into the feed by explicitly pointing out items of notein the photos and where you can get it.

Coffenclothes story

3. BBC News@bbcnewsInstagram Stories gives news flash a whole new meaning!

BBC News has decided to thoughtfully work around our busy, mobile-driven lives and compile the day's latest and most valuable news updates into a daily Instagram Story gallery. This gallery makes excellent use of video and formatted captions to communicate the importance and urgency of each item--with the option to learn more by swiping up!

    4. National Geographic


National Geographic has gone far beyond its humble print origins to become a digital media darling. Its Instagram account alone has nearly 100 million followers, and no wonder. The brand has a way of activating its audience into taking positive action far beyond what you would normally get from traditional social media engagement, such as this post, which encourages users to learn more about community-based conservation:

In addition to dazzling photos of nature (both human and non-human), @natgeo releases Instagram stories that educate as well as awe. They release engaging and interesting stories on supposedly complicated scientific topics, but in a way that brings a deeper appreciation for the amazing things on Earth.

    5. Nike Running


Nike Running Story

Athletes are the most dedicated, loyal, and fanatical people you will ever meet. Nike knows this (and has known it for decades), so it's no surprise that they've found a way to appeal to some of the most die-hard athletes in the world: runners.Nike Running's Instagram account excels at creating a community around the sport of running, thanks to Instagram content and stories that promote interaction and engagement. Coaching tips give value to help runners get better. Runner Spotlights reward the community and create a sense of belonging. Nike Running also uses Instagram Stories to challenge runners to compete with each other, such as leaderboards where fellow athletes can beat each other's times.If you want to know more about Instagram Stories and how agencies can help brands introduce them into their marketing mix, watch our Instagram Stories webinar![/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section][et_pb_section bb_built="1" fullwidth="off" specialty="off" _builder_version="3.0.106" custom_margin="0px||0px|" custom_padding="0px||0px|" prev_background_color="#000000" global_module="12909"][et_pb_row global_parent="12909" custom_padding="25px|25px|25px|25px" _builder_version="3.0.106" background_size="initial" background_position="top_left" background_repeat="repeat" custom_margin="||0px|" background_color="#4dd6ff" border_radii="on|15px|15px|15px|15px"][et_pb_column type="1_4"][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_2"][et_pb_signup global_parent="12909" feedburner_uri="Elegant Themes Blog" mailchimp_list="|null" use_background_color="off" _builder_version="3.0.106" custom_button="on" button_text_size="16px" button_text_color="#ffffff" button_bg_color="#2475ff" button_border_width="1px" button_border_color="#2475ff" button_border_radius="100px" button_font="|700||on|||||" button_use_icon="off" box_shadow_color_button="rgba(255,255,255,0.3)" activecampaign_list="|none" aweber_list="|none" campaign_monitor_list="|none" constant_contact_list="|none" convertkit_list="|none" emma_list="|none" feedblitz_list="|none" getresponse_list="|none" hubspot_list="HeyOrca|1159" icontact_list="|none" infusionsoft_list="|none" madmimi_list="|none" mailerlite_list="|none" mailpoet_list="|none" mailster_list="|none" ontraport_list="|none" salesforce_list="|none" sendinblue_list="|none" use_focus_border_color="off" background_layout="dark" result_message_font_size_tablet="51" result_message_line_height_tablet="2" button_icon_placement="right" provider="hubspot" success_message="You are in! " first_name_field="off" last_name_field="off" border_width_all_fields="1px" title="Join our Email Newsletter" button_text="Subscribe" border_radii_fields="on|10px|10px|10px|10px" text_orientation="center" header_font_size="25" header_font="Lato||||||||" border_color_all_fields="#ffffff" button_text_color_hover="#2475ff" button_bg_color_hover="#ffffff" button_border_color_hover="#2475ff" /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="1_4"][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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