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Product Updates
Save time and increase engagement with HeyOrca’s Hashtag Library
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Save time and increase engagement with HeyOrca’s Hashtag Library

Product Updates
April 26, 2022
|Hashtag Library|||

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We are so excited to bring our new feature, Hashtag Library, to our customers!

Hashtags are a huge part of the social media scheduling process and we are so happy that we can make this task easier for social media teams everywhere. Hashtags are important for increasing engagement and branding!

If you’re not totally convinced that hashtags are an important part of social, take a look at the statistics below:

  • Tweets that include hashtags can increase engagement up to 2x for individuals and 50% for brands.
  • On Instagram, posts with at least one hashtag get 29% more interactions
  • On Instagram, 7 out of 10 hashtags are branded

Let’s dive into how you can use this awesome new feature!

Here are some awesome ways you can use the Hashtag Library!

Adding Hashtags

We are all about saving time! By adding hashtags to the library, you will be able to streamline your content creation!

Here’s how you can do it:

Adding hashtags in hashtag library
  • Step 1: From the post, click on the hashtag quick access icon
  • Step 2: Type in or copy and paste the hashtags that you want to add to your library
  • Step 3: Click save
  • Step 4: When you are creating your post, type in #, followed by the desired hashtag and HeyOrca will suggest your previously added hashtag for you to add

Grouping Hashtags

Hashtag library groups

Organize similar hashtags into groups so that you can save time creating content for different kinds of social posts.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step 1: From the post, click on the hashtag quick access icon
  • Step 2: Click “Add Hashtag Group”
  • Step 3: Either copy and paste your group of hashtags or add your hashtags individually from your previously saved hashtags or from scratch
  • Step 4: Name your Hashtag group in the Title section
  • Step 5: Click Save
  • Step 6: When you are creating your post, click on the # access icon in the toolbar, click on “Hashtag groups” and select the Hashtag group that you’d like to add

Edit Hashtags and Hashtag groups

You can add new hashtags or edit existing ones in your existing Hashtag group so that you can stay on top of the latest trends.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step 1: From the post, click on the hashtag quick access icon
  • Step 2: Click “Add Hashtag Group”
  • Step 3: Click “Edit” 
  • Step 4: Delete hashtags or add new ones to your groups
  • Step 5: Click “Save”

To learn more about this feature and how you can start implementing it into your workflow, click here.

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